Another Successful DEACOM DISCOVER for the Books!

What a week! It’s hard to believe that after a year of planning, DEACOM DISCOVER 2017 has come and gone. Before we start thinking about next year (we waste no time!), let’s take a minute to recap all that happened during the event.

As those who attended DEACOM DISCOVER may have noticed, we held the one-on-one training sessions on the day before the conference officially kicked off. This way, on one would miss the sessions they signed up for and we could show off our headquarters to those who have not had the chance to tour around. To close out the day of meetings, we cracked open some beers and broke out the Baggo for a happy hour in Café Deacom.


Day One of the conference kicked off with a keynote presentation from our Founder and CEO, Jay Deakins. This year, Jay talked about Deacom’s commitment to crafting modern technology and more specifically, our conversion to a web-based platform.

Jay also shared some of the reasons we place so much value on our annual user conference:

“One of the reasons we gather you here is to help you better understand the software and be more successful. But what’s interesting is that during each conference, we learn more from you as our customers. We want to hear your input and we want to learn what we can do to make the product better because we have to continue innovating.”

From there, customers gained great insight into some of the biggest projects that Deacom has been working on throughout the past year. In these “What’s New” sessions, details surrounding our latest functionality were revealed with business case scenarios and tips about how to implement the new features.

We closed out Day 1 with a delicious dinner are Revolution Chop House and my mouth is still watering just thinking about that filet!


The next day’s sessions were focused on more detailed features and industry hot topics. Most of these were shorter sessions to give customers the opportunity to tackle a variety of specific business issues and opportunities. These included Quality Control, Web Interface Tips and Tricks, Ecommerce, Scales, and Nutritional Fact Panels, to name a few.

The workshops were followed by industry round table discussions which prove most valuable for both customers and Deacom team members. This is the perfect opportunity for customers to address some of their biggest challenges and work together to identify opportunities to strengthen operations. Each customer uses DEACOM in a different way so this insight sheds light on new perspectives and strategies which can be applied immediately, in many cases.

Deacom is also listening very closely during these talks to determine what steps we need to take as an ERP software developer to elevate the product and its capabilities. In fact, many of the 2016 enhancements were identified during last year’s DEACOM DISCOVER round table sessions.

After two days of back-to-back workshops, it was GAME TIME! The go-karts, laser tag, and arcade games were calling our names at Arnolds Family Fun Center. Regular user conference attendees had a lot of fun at the new Area 2200 Combat Laser experience – complete with nightmares later that night! This was definitely the highlight of the entire week.


Winding down, the last day of DEACOM DISCOVER workshops covered topics from GHS Labels/SDS Fors, Production Scheduling, Labor Tracking, and Dashboards. In the afternoon, attendees gained valuable insight into new ways to use existing DEACOM functionality. The “Woah, I Didn’t Know That” sessions were split into Accounting, System Admin, and Production/Warehousing tracks. This enabled each customer to focus on how these concepts could be applied to their specific role in the business. The collection of workshops was new to this year’s conference and sparked great discussions between all customers – no matter their industry.


As the dust settles on DEACOM DISCOVER 2017, we want to thank all our customers who participated in making this year’s event one to remember. We had a great time spending time with you and getting to know more about your business.

To see more pictures from throughout the week, visit our Deacom Facebook page.

About the author

Content Strategy Manager at

As the PR Manager for Deacom, Kelly does more than write press releases and manage her digital Rolodex (aka LinkedIn). She is on a mission to eliminate the “Dee-a-kom” problem by creatively merging quality content, media relations, social media, data analysis, SEO, and event marketing to help boost the company’s awareness and reputation as a trusted ERP provider. HINT: It’s pronounced “dē·käm”.