How ERP Software Addresses Raw Material Expiry Challenges in Process Manufacturing

In the world of batch and process manufacturing, the management of raw materials is paramount. These industries encompass a wide range of products, from pharmaceuticals and food and beverage to chemicals and cosmetics. In each of these sectors, the quality and safety of the final product hinge on the freshness of the raw materials used. …

Deacom’s Hyper-Tight Process Control™: Reducing the “Cost of Being Wrong”

In today’s fast-paced and competitive manufacturing landscape, getting things right the first time is crucial. The cost of errors can be significant, impacting your bottom line, reputation, and customer satisfaction. To thrive in this environment, manufacturers need a solution to maintain hyper-tight process control. Deacom, a leading ERP provider, offers precisely that with its innovative approach …

How Can An ERP Help Cosmetics Manufacturers Comply With FDA Registration Guidelines?

Manufacturing ERP for Cosmetics Industry

In the realm of cosmetics manufacturing, staying compliant with ever-evolving regulations is paramount. The recent update to the FDA Cosmetic Registration Guidelines under the Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act (MOCRA) in 2022 has ushered in a new era of compliance expectations for cosmetic manufacturers. Enter the solution that can help cosmetics manufacturers seamlessly adapt to these changes …

5 Reasons Batch and Process Manufacturers Need Single Sign-On

ECI Manufacturing - 5 ReasonsBatch And Process Manufacturers Need Single Sign On-2023-Blog

In the world of batch and process manufacturing, precision, traceability, and regulatory compliance are critical factors that help ensure a business is successful. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software plays a pivotal role in streamlining and optimizing complex manufacturing processes but providers need to uplevel how they enhance the productivity and security of the system. Many …

Hyper-Tight Process Control™ with the Deacom Warehouse Management System

Warehouse worker scanning barcode

One mistake — one distraction, one contamination, or one miscalculation – may have a significant impact in your organization. You never want to be the topic of a recall headline, lose money because manufacturing was abruptly stopped, or endanger consumers’ health. However, one error could ruin your reputation, sales, and, eventually, your bottom line. In …