Maximizing Efficiencies in Chemical Manufacturing: An Overview of the Benefits of an ERP System

Maximizing Efficiencies in Chemical Manufacturing

The chemical manufacturing industry is constantly evolving, and businesses need to stay ahead of the technology curve to remain competitive.Relying on manual processes hold you back, leading to inefficiencies and inconsistencies across your company, including financial reporting, warehouse management, quality control, and regulatory reporting. These issues hinder growth and put businesses at risk of non-compliance …

The Negative Impacts That Manual Processes Have on Your Business

The Negative Impacts That Manual Processes Have on Your Business

Technology runs today’s world. Whether looking for a recipe or coding an AI robot, technology has made advancements in every aspect of our lives, and your business shouldn’t be left behind. Manual processes have become outdated in manufacturing and may hurt your business more than help. Challenges of Human Error and Inefficiencies of Manual Processes …

Preventing Mislabeled Allergens from Causing Harm

Allergens Food Labeling

Food manufacturers need to leverage technology that can inform, track, and trace every ingredient to ensure safety and prevent recalls. Undeclared food allergens are the leading cause of Class I food recalls, a situation in which the “use of or exposure to a violative product will cause serious adverse health consequences or death.” Considering that …

Hyper-Tight Process Control™ with the Deacom Warehouse Management System

Warehouse worker scanning barcode

One mistake — one distraction, one contamination, or one miscalculation – may have a significant impact in your organization. You never want to be the topic of a recall headline, lose money because manufacturing was abruptly stopped, or endanger consumers’ health. However, one error could ruin your reputation, sales, and, eventually, your bottom line. In …