Is ERP Technology the Secret to Supporting Quality Control?

Is ERP Technology the Secret to Supporting Quality Control?

When delivered through a modern ERP solution, quality control (QC) technology can reduce the risk of liability and product recalls and ensure that accurate, real-time QC test results are accessible to all stakeholders. Quality control of the supply chain is paramount – not only for one industry but for all industries. While there have been …

Maximizing Efficiencies in Chemical Manufacturing: An Overview of the Benefits of an ERP System

Maximizing Efficiencies in Chemical Manufacturing

The chemical manufacturing industry is constantly evolving, and businesses need to stay ahead of the technology curve to remain competitive.Relying on manual processes hold you back, leading to inefficiencies and inconsistencies across your company, including financial reporting, warehouse management, quality control, and regulatory reporting. These issues hinder growth and put businesses at risk of non-compliance …

Cosmetic Manufacturing Gets a Makeover

cosmetic manufacturing

Signed on December 29, 2022, the Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act (MoCRA) has provided the first revision to cosmetic laws since 1938. The new rules will affect all US cosmetic manufacturing, packing, and distribution facilities. These laws are set to take effect by December 2023. The Act defines a cosmetic product as “a preparation of …

Combatting the Labor Shortage in the Food & Beverage Industry

Worker inspecting a line at a bottling plant.

The labor shortage in the food and beverage industry has been a growing issue for over a decade, and the events of the past few years have only intensified the problem. Many of you are struggling to attract and retain the workforce you need to meet market demand and although the unemployment rate has dropped …

Railroad Supply Chain Disruptions Hinder Chemical Manufacturers

Chemical manufacturers must leverage technology that provides visibility and accurate insights as they navigate railroad delays. The railway industry has been facing labor shortages, causing delays across industries who rely on freight to transport product. A report by the American Chemistry Council (ACC) reveals that chemical manufacturers have faced three consecutive quarters of supply chain and freight transportation …

FDA Finalizes New Traceability Rules for High-Risk Foods

Fruits and Vegetables at a Market

After at least eight years in the making, the FDA announced the final rule to improve food traceability for domestic and foreign manufacturers who process, package, or hold foods included on the Food Traceability List (FTL) for U.S. consumption. This rule will require those manufacturers to maintain records containing Key Data Elements (KDE) associated with …

The Negative Impacts That Manual Processes Have on Your Business

The Negative Impacts That Manual Processes Have on Your Business

Technology runs today’s world. Whether looking for a recipe or coding an AI robot, technology has made advancements in every aspect of our lives, and your business shouldn’t be left behind. Manual processes have become outdated in manufacturing and may hurt your business more than help. Challenges of Human Error and Inefficiencies of Manual Processes …